

1、一人在內(nèi)(打一字)——肉2、一百減一(打一字)——白3、一邊是水,一邊是山(打一字)——汕4、一箭穿心(打一字)——必5、固若金湯(打河北一地名)——保定6、劉關(guān)張結(jié)義區(qū)(打臺灣一地名)——桃園7、全面整頓(打云南一地名)——大理8、騰云駕霧非等閑; 施恩布雨在人間;家有珠寶尋常事;統(tǒng)領(lǐng)兵將皆海鮮。 (打一生肖) –龍 9、一物生來身穿三百多件衣,每天脫一件,年底剩張皮。(猜一日常用品) ---日歷10、小小一姑娘,坐在水中央,身穿粉紅襖,陣陣放清香(猜一植物) ——荷花11、麻殼子,紅里子,裹著白胖子。(猜植物)——花生12、高高綠骨兒,圓圓金黃臉,最愛向太陽,盈盈笑不停。(猜植物) ——向日葵13、一個孩子生的好,衣服穿了七八套,頭上戴著紅纓帽,身上裝著珍珠寶。(猜植物)——玉米 14、說他是棵草,為何有知覺,輕輕一碰他,害羞低下頭。(猜植物)——含羞草15、小時能吃味道鮮,老是能用有人砍,雖說不是剛和鐵,渾身骨節(jié)壓不彎。(猜植物)——竹子 16、黃金布,包銀條,中間彎彎兩頭翹(猜水果)——香蕉17、一條小小蟲,自己做燈籠,躲在燈籠里,變個飛仙女。(猜昆蟲) ——蠶18、兩撇小胡子,油嘴小牙齒,賊頭又賊腦,喜歡偷油吃。(猜動物) ——老鼠19、小小諸葛亮,獨坐軍中帳,擺成八卦陣,專抓飛來將。(猜昆蟲) ——蜘蛛20、白天草里住,晚上空中游,金光閃閃動,見尾不見頭。(猜昆蟲) ——螢火蟲21、任勞又任怨,田里活猛干,生產(chǎn)萬頓糧,只把草當(dāng)飯。(猜陸上動物) ——牛22、上邊毛,下邊毛,中間一顆黑葡萄。(猜器官) ——眼睛23、左一片,右一片,兩片東西不見面。(猜器官) ——耳朵24、綠衣漢,街上站,光吃紙,不吃飯。(猜一物) ——郵筒25、千根線,萬根線,落到水里就不見。(猜自然物) ——雨26、紅門樓,白院墻,里面坐個胖兒郎。(猜器官) ——嘴巴27、硬舌頭,尖嘴巴,不吃飯,光喝茶。(猜學(xué)習(xí)用品) ——鋼筆



The cat likes to usually lick own hair, usually the people will miss that the cat true love of my house is clean, meeting the oneself combs hair for oneself.In fact the cat lick own hair is alleviate the motion of of a kind of method.But need what we notice is, have on the cat tongue a lot of pour to stab, the cat go to in do this act of time very possiblely will a lot ofly shed off of the hair winding going to belly, these hairs are not easy digests of, will silt up in a formation of bowel hair ball, sometimes the cat will appear to vomit self-movingly, vomit the hair ball, but also silt up more could not vomit of.If outdoors of cat will find some grasses to eat under, then stimulate the oneself to vomit the hair ball.But a cat for keep can have no way, that needed our host to prepare for it, can prepare to be some to go to the hair ball cream or go to the periodical hello of the hair ball hair food, avoiding the hair ball silt up to result in in the way the bowel , and usually help its hair that combs to shed off.
...>>`The cat likes to usually lick own hair, usually the people will miss that the cat true love of my house is clean, meeting the oneself combs hair for oneself.In fact the cat lick own hair is alleviate the motion of of a kind of method.But need what we notice is, have on the cat tongue a lot of pour to stab, the cat go to in do this act of time very possiblely will a lot ofly shed off of the hair winding going to belly, these hairs are not easy digests of, will silt up in a formation of bowel hair ball, sometimes the cat will appear to vomit self-movingly, vomit the hair ball, but also silt up more could not vomit of.If outdoors of cat will find some grasses to eat under, then stimulate the oneself to vomit the hair ball.But a cat for keep can have no way, that needed our host to prepare for it, can prepare to be some to go to the hair ball cream or go to the periodical hello of the hair ball hair food, avoiding the hair ball silt up to result in in the way the bowel , and usually help its hair that combs to shed off. 莪看伱都吥薈太相信e莪啦。..`-_-沒關(guān)系邋`只是想讓伱參考而已-^0^-``
cats often love licking their fur. most people believe their cats are so clean,becouse cats comb themselves.In fact, licking hair is the way how cats simmer down their mods.But we have to notice,there are many adverse pins on their tongues.It is high possibility when a cat does this action, it will swallow lots dropped hair. This indigestible hair will turn to small wool balls in the stomach.懶的翻譯了,吃飯去.
到現(xiàn)在還沒看到一個語法完全正確的。。。第一句幾乎全錯。大家先去英文網(wǎng)站看看相關(guān)文章再來吧,OK ?
cats often love licking their fur. most people believe their cats are so clean,becouse cats comb themselves.In fact, licking hair is the way how cats simmer down their mods.But we have to notice,there are many adverse pins on their tongues.It is high possibility when a cat does this action, it will swallow lots dropped hair. This indigestible hair will turn to small wool balls in the stomach. 因該是這樣的.本人沒復(fù)制上樓的..

