精釀啤酒 翻譯,Deirdre 翻譯中文

1,Deirdre 翻譯中文

n.迪爾德麗(女子名) [女子名] 迪爾德麗 Deidre的變體

Deirdre 翻譯中文

2,翻譯The maths teacher is the person whom I got an A plus from


翻譯The maths teacher is the person whom I got an A plus from

3,翻譯A Lamb and A Wolf


翻譯A Lamb and A Wolf


有這個(gè)單詞么?你要找的是credit么? n. 1. 賒帳,賒欠 2. (經(jīng)濟(jì)上的)信譽(yù) 3. 銀行存款(帳面余額) 4. 信用,信賴vt. 1. 相信 2. 把...記入貸方 3. 把...歸于[(+to)] 4. 認(rèn)為...有
名詞 n. 1. 賒帳,賒欠[U] He bought the furniture on credit. 他賒帳買了這家具。 2. (經(jīng)濟(jì)上的)信譽(yù)[U] Our international credit is excellent. 我們的國際信譽(yù)極好。 3. 銀行存款(帳面余額)[U] How much does he have to his credit? 他存了多少錢? 4. 信用,信賴[U] I did not give credit to her story. 我沒有相信她的話。 5. 榮譽(yù),贊揚(yáng),功勞[U][(+for/to)] The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborators. 這項(xiàng)發(fā)明的榮譽(yù)屬于洛奇先生和他的合作者。 6. 增光的人(或事物)[C][(+to)] She is a credit to her family. 她是給家里增光的人。 7. 【美】學(xué)分;(某門功課的)及格記錄[C] 8. (會(huì)計(jì))貸,貸方 及物動(dòng)詞 vt. [W] 1. 相信 Nobody credited his story. 沒有人相信他的話。 2. 把...記入貸方 The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. 那家銀行貸了五萬元給我們。 3. 把...歸于[(+to)] The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 這起事故是由于駕車人不小心引起的。 4. 認(rèn)為...有(某優(yōu)點(diǎn),成就等) I credit him with honesty. 我相信他是誠實(shí)的。 5. 【美】給(學(xué)生)記學(xué)分[(+with)] http://dict.baidu.com/s?wd=credit

5, A life full of riches 怎么翻譯

A life full of riches 一個(gè)富有的生活
a life full of riches意思  一個(gè)充滿財(cái)富的生活  相關(guān)文章:  how can the poor person have a life full of richesas we all know,money can’t buy every- thing .so ,even we are poor,we can still lead a life with full of riches. of course,this “riches” does not mean the real rich ,but it means the life with full of happiness , enjoyment and so on. first, we should keep an optimistic heart .then we can get a lot of fun from the ordinary things ,like stay with families ,or just a good night from the one who you loved. second, don’t compare with the rich gays. don’t pursuit too much of the material enjoyment. the rich life not from the material enjoyment, but from the bottom of your heart , it depends on your attitude to life. finally, never sell your souls for money, otherwise ,you will be upset all your life . i hope everyone will lead a life with full of riches .中文對(duì)譯:如何能有一個(gè)可憐的人 生活充滿財(cái)富眾所周知,金錢不能買到所有的東西.所以,即使我們是窮人,我們?nèi)匀豢梢猿錆M財(cái)富生活.當(dāng)然,這種“財(cái)富”并不意味著真正的有錢人,但它是充滿幸福的生活,享受等.首先,我們應(yīng)該保持一種樂觀的心.那么我們可以從普通的事情有很多樂趣,喜歡待在家,或只是一個(gè)美好的夜晚從你所愛的人.第二,不要比較豐富的同性戀.不要追求太多的物質(zhì)享受.不是從物質(zhì)享受富裕的生活,但從你的內(nèi)心深處,這取決于你對(duì)生活的態(tài)度.最后,不要出賣你的靈魂,金錢,否則,你會(huì)很不高興的你的生活.我希望每個(gè)人都充滿財(cái)富生活.
你好! A life full of riches生活充滿了財(cái)富

6,The old idea that talented children burn themselves 翻譯

這種古老的觀念天賦高的孩子把自己燃燒殆盡,在早期,因此受到精神疾病失敗,更糟的是沒有必要的作為一個(gè)事實(shí),優(yōu)秀的事情,明亮的孩子,他們很可能發(fā)展成明亮的成年人找出他們的天賦1500人的跟進(jìn),35年的結(jié)果如下:對(duì)成人智力測驗(yàn),他們的得分達(dá)到他們作為孩子他們是,作為一個(gè)團(tuán)體,身體健康的身體和mentally.83%小組倆結(jié)了婚,并似乎滿足于他們的生命約70%已經(jīng)從大學(xué)畢業(yè)的時(shí)候只有30%以優(yōu)異的成績畢業(yè)一些甚至掉了出來但幾乎一半的已經(jīng)回到了研究生在80%的人的職業(yè),或在企業(yè)管理工作的半終生獨(dú)身的婦女跟有辦公室,生意或工作上的職業(yè)該組織在90書籍和1500文章發(fā)表在科學(xué)、學(xué)術(shù)和文學(xué)雜志和里邊收集了超過100模式在物質(zhì)他們不遵行得糟糕,不是每一個(gè)嗎?是相當(dāng)高在天才的人,特別是男性。然后為全國范圍來說,盡管他們的comparity用. 事實(shí)上,遠(yuǎn)非奇怪的大部分賦予他們最初的承諾將在現(xiàn)實(shí)
天才兒童在他們年少時(shí)耗盡心思的一些成人的想法,被認(rèn)定為是一些毫無根據(jù)的精神上的疾病。事實(shí)上,一些很明顯的事情偶然會(huì)出現(xiàn),一個(gè)聰明的孩子也有可能成長為一個(gè)很聰明的成年人。為證實(shí)這些,1500名擁有天賦的人被跟蹤調(diào)查直至他們35歲,調(diào)查結(jié)果如下:一份成人調(diào)查表明,他們智力測試所得的分?jǐn)?shù)和一些兒童一樣高。他們作為一個(gè)整體在身體和心智上都是健康的。83%的人們是已婚的,并且他們對(duì)自己的生活現(xiàn)狀很滿意。大約70%是大學(xué)畢業(yè)生,他們中有30% 是優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生,一部分人是已經(jīng)輟學(xué),但是幾乎一半的是畢業(yè)的。80%的男士是做自己的專業(yè),或者是兼職經(jīng)商。女士則多從事一些辦公,商務(wù)和一些日常的工作。這個(gè)群體曾出版過90本書,1500多篇文章 在科學(xué),學(xué)術(shù)和文學(xué)雜志上。在這條實(shí)質(zhì)性的道路上他們或許失敗過,也可能成功?一些有天賦的人也被評(píng)價(jià)的相當(dāng)高,尤其是男士。對(duì)一個(gè)國家總的來說,盡管他們很有用了,事實(shí)上,拋去本質(zhì)的東西,他們的一些天賦已經(jīng)在他們的早期的承諾中變?yōu)榱爽F(xiàn)實(shí)!翻譯的不好,我不要分的,只是練練筆。僅供你參考,幫我改改最好了!呵呵
at worst作為一個(gè)程度副詞后面的逗號(hào)不影響句子結(jié)構(gòu)的,就像therefore后面,and后面的逗號(hào)一樣,要是覺得別扭,看的時(shí)候你也可以將他人為省略,不影響句子含義的。
The old idea that talented children burn themselves 翻譯懸賞分:5|離問題結(jié)束還有 14 天 4 小時(shí)|提問者:匿名The old idea that talented children burn themselves out in the early years and therefore are subjected to failure and worse mental illness in unfounded.As a matter of fact,the outstanding thing that happens to bright kids is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.To find this out,1500 gifted people were followed up to their 35 year with the results as follows:On adults intelligence test,they scored as high as they had as children.They were ,as a group ,in good health physically and mentally.83% of their group were married and seemed content with their lifes.About 70% had graduated from college.There were only 30% had graduated with honors.A few had even dropped out.But nearly half of these had returned to graduate.Of the men 80% were in one of the professions,or in business management of semi-professional jobs.The women who had remained single had office,business or professional occupations.The group had published 90 books and 1500 articles in scientific,scholarly and literary magazines.And it collected more than 100 patterns.In the material way they did not do badly,either.Every ? was considerably high among the gifted people,especially the men.Then for the country as a whole,despite their comparity of use.In fact,far from being strange most of the gifted were turning their early promise into practical reality.您不登錄也可以回答問題用戶名:密碼碼:記住我的登錄狀態(tài)登 錄使用可以第一時(shí)間收到“提問有新回答”“回答被采納”“網(wǎng)友求助”的通知。您想在自己的網(wǎng)站上展示百度“知道”上的問答嗎?來吧! 如要投訴或提出意見建議,請(qǐng)到反饋。

