

R: hi helen, 好久不見H: hi Rick, 是啊, 上個月我去度假了R: 啊, 那你去啥好玩的地方了H: 我們一家去了貴州R: 我去, 那你們去看黃果樹瀑布了沒H: 必須的, 我們還拍了幾張照片. 你呢, 上個月干啥了R: 哪也沒去, 我基本上就在家看書 休息



interpretation (理解, 分析)貴州對農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)公司的理解



貴州升匯投資管理有限公司 Guizhou Shenghui Investment Management Co., Ltd貴州金源春融資擔保有限公司Guizhou Jinyuanchun Financing Assurance Co., Ltd
呃……不知道樓上那位在哪里看到過把公司名放在最后的 廈門三杰實業(yè)有限公司: xiamen sanjie industrial co., ltd 廈門銘桀塑膠工業(yè)有限公司:xiamen mingjie plastic industry co., ltd 廈門坤桀塑膠工業(yè)有限公司:xiamen kunjie plastic industry co., ltd 用industrial或者industry都可以



1.磐:磐石,有穩(wěn)定之意。前半取stable 基:基礎,可以取base。 組合一下:stabase。不能太長,不然記不住還不如沒有英文名。2.Guizhou Stabase Asset Assessment co.,ltd.3.Capital Management Assessment
1.powerock2.Guizhou Powerock Asset Assessment co.,ltd.3.capital management evaluation
【中 文】蔡 瑩【日文假名】さい えい【讀音,羅馬音】sai ei【讀音,漢語拼音】撒一 誒。。不懂的話歡迎追問滿意的話別忘了采納哦 ■
Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd就是資產(chǎn)評估有限公司的意思前面的可以用拼音就是GUIZHOU XINJI當然馨基夜可以用一個英文表示,暫時夜想不出什么好的。


1, 磐基Paragon 2, 貴州磐基資產(chǎn)評估有限公司Guizhou Paragon Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd.3, 資本運營評估Capital Management Assessment
1. Pen Ji 2. Gu Zhou Pen Ji Captial Valution Limited Corp0ration 3. Corporation capital valuation
Pan Ji Guizhou Pan Ji assets evaluation Co., Ltd Capital Operation Assessment...........................................................人腦翻譯,能力有限。希望采納
Pan Ji Guizhou Pan Ji assets evaluation Co., Ltd Capital Operation Assessment

6,求翻譯在線勞駕幫忙翻譯在線等懸賞100分之后再追加 搜

Ching (tianjin) international trade Co., LTD, antibiotics, sales business representative Chongqing, sichuan, guizhou three market products imported antibiotics existing channel management and customer service Chongqing, guizhou province drug centralized purchasing two hang nets, tendering project and prices Chongqing, sichuan, guizhou three new market distribution customer development and achieve sales Assist complete varieties of commercial company courtyard and advocacy work and assist in quantity
Ching Chung (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd. on behalf of antibiotic sales business Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and three antibiotic products import market channel management and customer service available Chongqing, Guizhou province centralized drug purchasing two linked networks, and price tender process Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and three new market development and distribution customers to achieve sales Help commercial companies and academic completion of species into the hospital on the amount of promotion and to help
Complete product sales channels in the existing missions and provide customer service Responsible for chongqing, guizhou province two drug centralized purchasing project implementation and drug prices Chongqing, sichuan, guizhou three new market distribution customer development and achieve sales Assist pharmaceutical company product in hospital medical representatives, and promote the sales volume。


大家好,我出生于1985年在遵義,我即將在今年畢業(yè)于貴州大學.我的專業(yè)是工商管理.這雖然與我所報學 Hello ,everyone .I was born in 1987,zunyi.I am about to graduate from GuiZhou university ,and my major is business management ,though is differ from my singed subject 科不相符,但我在大學四年一直有英語課程的學習.我也利用課余時間給自己充電,給別人補習英語.這 ,and I have kept on studing English during my four year of college .I learnt by myself during my spare time ,also taught others on English . 樣可以提高我的實踐能力.這次招考對我來說是一個很好的鍛煉的機會,我會以高校準嚴格要求自己.做一各合格的教師. this offers me a chance to improve my experience ,and this enrol exam means much to me ,I will always keep in mind to do my best ,to be a good and qualified teacher. 順便說一下,第一個是網(wǎng)站翻譯的。
Good morning, I was born in 1985 in Zunyi, I will graduate from Guizhou University this year . My major is business management. Although it does not match the subject that I Reported , but I kept studying english for 4 years I also kept studying after school , and offer english tuition to others. so that I can improve my Practical ability. The audition is a good training opportunity for me this time, I will request myself strictly with High standards. and become a qualified teacher
Everybody is good, I was born in 1985 in Zunyi, I soon graduate in this year from Guizhou University. My specialty is the business management. Although this reports the discipline with me not to tally, but I have had English curriculum study in the university four years. I also charge using after school for myself, enrolls in supplementary lessons English for others. This may sharpen my practical ability. This time gives public notice of entrance examination for me is a very good exercise opportunity, I will request myself strictly by the high calibration. Is each qualified teacher. 是不是這個

