




郝蜀黍編譯源自——How Long Can a Bottle of Wine Stay Open?From red and white to sparkling and sweet, know when to finish an open bottle and when to cook with it.開(kāi)瓶后的葡萄酒能放多久?從紅酒到白葡萄酒到起泡酒,告訴你開(kāi)瓶后什么時(shí)候喝完它,什么時(shí)候用它烹調(diào)。Still WinesJohn Belsham, an international consultant and founder/winemaker of Foxes Islandin New Zealand, says,“The ultimate deciding factor is quality. The better the wine, the longer it will keep in an open bottle. That’s irrespective of the techniques used to protect the wine, be it gas-injection or vacuuming…The bottom line is that once you’ve opened the bottle, oxygen is introduced, which is absorbed into the wine. It’s not actually what’s in that space above the wine that makes the difference, but what’s absorbed into the wine at the moment of opening.”靜止葡萄酒新西蘭狐貍島的國(guó)際顧問(wèn)兼創(chuàng)始人/釀酒師約翰·貝爾沙姆(John Belsham)說(shuō):“最終的決定因素是質(zhì)量。葡萄酒越好,開(kāi)瓶后就可以放更長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。這無(wú)關(guān)用于保護(hù)葡萄酒的技術(shù),無(wú)論是注氣還是抽真空...底線是,一旦你打開(kāi)瓶子,氧氣就會(huì)引入,就會(huì)被吸收到葡萄酒中。葡萄酒之上空間是什么成分不重要,重要的是開(kāi)瓶后吸入了什么。White Wine“The wine will not rapidly oxidise, if it’s been well made,” says Belsham.“I would expect a quality bottle of Chardonnay, Riesling, Sémillon or Sauvignon Blanc to last comfortably three to four days in a half-full bottle. Really high-grade, single-vineyard wines with a high fill level will last for at least a week in the fridge, in my own experience. Even with slight loss of aroma, it will still be palatable. Mass-produced, simpler whites and rosés are probably best [enjoyed] over two days.”白葡萄酒Belsham說(shuō):“如果葡萄酒做得好,葡萄酒不會(huì)迅速氧化?!拔視?huì)期待一瓶?jī)?yōu)質(zhì)的霞多麗,雷司令,塞米倫或白索維尼可以在半瓶狀態(tài)放三到四天之間。根據(jù)我自己的經(jīng)驗(yàn),真正高檔的,高填充的單一葡萄園葡萄酒在冰箱里將至少可以存放一周。即使有輕微的香氣流失,仍然可口宜人。批量生產(chǎn)的,單純的白葡萄酒和玫瑰紅最好兩天喝完。Red Wine“With red wine, similarly, it will comfortably be in good shape for three to four days,” says Belsham.“The more robust the red wine, the more tannin it has to protect itself against oxygen. So, the denser the red wine, the better it will present itself. For example, I would give elegant Beaujolais three to four days, but five to six days to a robust southern Rh?ne or Primitivo.”紅酒Belsham說(shuō):“類(lèi)似地,紅葡萄酒放三到四天仍處于好的狀態(tài)。”“紅葡萄酒越強(qiáng)悍,保護(hù)自己免受氧化的單寧就越多。所以紅葡萄酒越濃,就會(huì)越好存放。例如,我會(huì)給優(yōu)雅的博若萊三到四天存放期,但是對(duì)于強(qiáng)悍的南部羅納或Primitivo我會(huì)給五到六天。Sparkling WinesSparkling wines enjoy protection via their own carbon dioxide, but open bottles need proper, purpose-made stoppers that firmly clamp the bottle shut. Marcello Lunelli, co-owner of Italy’s Cantine Ferrari in Trento, says,“It depends how full the bottle still is. If there is just a glass missing, a re-stoppered bottle will keep three to four days, as long as the stopper completely maintains the pressure. Keep the bottle absolutely closed. Every time you open it, you lose pressure.“If the bottle is half-full, just two days is probably best. After that, you won’t have the perfect perlage. That said, the wine inside will still be good, just with less pressure. What remains when the bubbles are gone is still an outstanding wine. If the wine has been open for longer than that, it will be perfect for making risotto. The acidity of the wine perfectly balances the sweetness of the rice.”起泡葡萄酒起泡葡萄酒通過(guò)自己的二氧化碳自我保護(hù),但開(kāi)瓶酒后需要適當(dāng)?shù)膶?zhuān)門(mén)制成的塞子,可以牢固地塞住瓶子。意大利特蘭托Cantine Ferrari的共同所有人Marcello Lunelli表示:“這還取決于瓶子里的酒有多少,如果只倒出一杯,一個(gè)重新塞住的瓶子將保持三到四天,只要塞子完全保持壓力。保持瓶子絕對(duì)封閉,你每打開(kāi)一次,就跑掉一些壓力。“如果只有半瓶酒,那么放兩天可能是最好的。之后,你不會(huì)有完美的成色。即便如此,里面的葡萄酒仍然會(huì)很好,只是壓力較小。當(dāng)泡沫消失時(shí)仍然是一種出色的葡萄酒。如果葡萄酒開(kāi)瓶后時(shí)間長(zhǎng)于這個(gè)時(shí)段,最好拿它制作燴飯。葡萄酒的酸度完美平衡了米飯的甜度?!盕ortified WinesSherryGeorge Sandeman, of Sherry and Port producer Sandeman, advises to refrigerate Fino and Manzanilla styles and consume them within one week. Amontillado and Oloroso styles will stay fresh for up to eight weeks after opening. He notes this goes for these two styles regardless of their sweetness level.PortPaul Symington, managing director at Symington Family Estates, says quality and style make a difference.Ruby Port and LBV (late bottled vintage) styles “will stay in good condition for up to a week after opening,” he says.“After that, they will suffer from the normal process of oxidation, common to all wines. Keeping the opened bottle lightly chilled and using a Vacu-Vin or similar will prolong the quality.“Tawny Port has been aged in oak casks and is therefore well used to contact with air. Consequently, a fine 10- or 20-year-old Tawny will remain in excellent condition for two to three weeks after opening, especially if kept in the fridge.”強(qiáng)化葡萄酒雪莉酒雪利酒和波特酒制造商Sandeman的George Sandeman建議冷藏Fino和Manzanilla,并在一周之內(nèi)喝掉。 Amontillado和Oloroso款式能在開(kāi)瓶后八周內(nèi)保持新鮮。他標(biāo)明這兩款酒的差異跟糖度無(wú)關(guān)。波特酒Symington家族莊園的總經(jīng)理保羅·賽明頓(Paul Symington)表示,質(zhì)量和風(fēng)格會(huì)導(dǎo)致開(kāi)瓶存放保質(zhì)期不同。他說(shuō):“紅寶石波特酒和LBV(晚期瓶裝葡萄酒)款式”將在開(kāi)瓶后的一個(gè)星期內(nèi)保持良好狀態(tài)?!爸螅麄儗⒃馐苷5难趸^(guò)程,和所有的葡萄酒一樣。輕度冷藏開(kāi)瓶酒并采取Vacu-Vin模式或類(lèi)似方法將延長(zhǎng)保質(zhì)期。“茶色波特酒已經(jīng)在橡木桶陳釀,因此很適合與空氣接觸。因此,10年或20歲的茶色波特酒能在開(kāi)瓶后存放兩三個(gè)星期并保持良好的狀態(tài),尤其是放在冰箱里的。Concerning the pinnacle of Port, Symington says,“Like all great bottle-aged wines, Vintage Port has been totally isolated from the air for many years. The glorious elegance of this wine upon opening is a real pinnacle, but its ethereal beauty will fade after a few days. It should therefore be consumed within three to four days of opening. A Vacu-Vin will help prolong the quality by a further few days.”Sandeman, which also produces Port, has recently adpoted re-sealable Vinolok closures on its 20-,30- and 40-year-old Tawny Ports. These can be kept “for up to three months,” says George Sandeman, especially when stored in the refrigerator.至于頂級(jí)波特酒,Symington說(shuō):“像所有偉大的瓶裝葡萄酒一樣,年份波特已經(jīng)完全與空氣隔絕了多年。這種極致精品葡萄酒在開(kāi)瓶后的確一級(jí)棒,但是它的國(guó)色天香會(huì)在幾天后黯然。因此,應(yīng)在開(kāi)瓶后的三到四天內(nèi)喝掉。 Vacu-Vin將有助于延長(zhǎng)保質(zhì)期。同時(shí)生產(chǎn)波特酒的桑德曼最近還在其二十,三十和四十年茶色波特酒上采用了可重新密封的Vinolok封閉件。這樣可以保存“長(zhǎng)達(dá)三個(gè)月”,喬治·桑德曼說(shuō),特別是儲(chǔ)存在冰箱里時(shí)。MadeiraMadeira already has been exposed to heat and is an oxidized style. Can time still ravage it?“Do you want to know the truth?” says Chris Blandy, director of theMadeira Wine Company.“Nobody knows how long these wines last once opened, but my own experience is that I had half a bottle of 1976 vintage Madeira with my wife at Christmas 2011. One year later, Christmas 2012, we had the other half, and the bottle was perfect.”The wines are fortified and deliberately oxidized, so nature has little to throw at them.“As long as you keep the bottle away from direct sunlight and upright, it can last a very long time,” says Blandy.馬德拉馬德拉是一種已經(jīng)暴露在熱量中的氧化酒。時(shí)間還能侵蝕它嗎?“你想知道真相嗎?”馬德拉葡萄酒公司總監(jiān)克里斯·布蘭迪(Chris Blandy)說(shuō)?!皼](méi)有人知道這些葡萄酒開(kāi)瓶后可放多久,但是我自己的經(jīng)驗(yàn)是,在2011年圣誕節(jié),我和我的妻子開(kāi)了一瓶1976年份的馬德拉,喝掉半瓶。一年之后,2012年的圣誕節(jié),喝了另一半,酒仍然很棒?!逼咸丫票粡?qiáng)化并被刻意氧化,所以自然已經(jīng)很難侵蝕它們。 Blandy說(shuō):“只要你把瓶子遠(yuǎn)離直射陽(yáng)光和直立,就可以保存很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?!?

