

作人名吧 英文中沒有這個單詞的哈



香檳是一種酒,它的酒色,很獨特,故以香檳酒命名了這種顏色,稱為香檳色,比橘色略淺一點。香檳色是介乎于橙色和黃色之間,色彩飽和度很低,亮度較高的顏色。香檳色是類似香檳酒一樣的顏色,暖暖的色調(diào),能夠給人高雅迷人的感覺。香檳色是介乎于橙色和黃色之間,色彩飽和度很低,亮度較高的顏色。香檳色如果加以淡橙,則顯高雅時尚;如果加以粉紅,又顯得甜蜜輕柔。在時尚界,香檳色亦因其獨特的色感被廣泛應(yīng)用于服裝、家居等。香檳色是類似香檳酒一樣的顏色。搭配上簡約的白色 、同色系的金色或者亮麗的藍(lán)色都能夠帶來不同的造型效果。1、百搭的白色配上高雅的香檳色是一個不錯的選擇。 2、亮麗的深藍(lán)色和柔和的香檳色搭配,能夠起到撞色的效果,更能增加顏色的層次感。 3、香檳色大多都出現(xiàn)在禮服上面,搭配上同色系的金色高跟鞋或者拎包,這樣不僅能夠增加顏色的和諧感,也能體現(xiàn)出一種迷人氣質(zhì)。香檳,法國香檳區(qū)特產(chǎn),中國國家地理標(biāo)志產(chǎn)品。香檳有一個共同點:合適的酸度,既保證了酒的新鮮感,又有很好的陳年潛力。氣泡是香檳的身份標(biāo)識,在年輕的酒里會持續(xù)不斷,隨著陳釀時間的長久,氣泡會減少,但變得更加細(xì)膩綿密。具有醇正清雅、優(yōu)美和諧的果香,并具有清新、愉快、爽怡的口感。



香檳是一種酒,它的酒色,很獨特,故以香檳酒命名了這種顏色,稱為香檳色,比橘色略淺一點。香檳色是介乎于橙色和黃色之間,色彩飽和度很低,亮度較高的顏色。香檳色是類似香檳酒一樣的顏色,暖暖的色調(diào),能夠給人高雅迷人的感覺。香檳色是介乎于橙色和黃色之間,色彩飽和度很低,亮度較高的顏色。香檳色如果加以淡橙,則顯高雅時尚;如果加以粉紅,又顯得甜蜜輕柔。在時尚界,香檳色亦因其獨特的色感被廣泛應(yīng)用于服裝、家居等。香檳色是類似香檳酒一樣的顏色。搭配上簡約的白色 、同色系的金色或者亮麗的藍(lán)色都能夠帶來不同的造型效果。1、百搭的白色配上高雅的香檳色是一個不錯的選擇。 2、亮麗的深藍(lán)色和柔和的香檳色搭配,能夠起到撞色的效果,更能增加顏色的層次感。 3、香檳色大多都出現(xiàn)在禮服上面,搭配上同色系的金色高跟鞋或者拎包,這樣不僅能夠增加顏色的和諧感,也能體現(xiàn)出一種迷人氣質(zhì)。香檳,法國香檳區(qū)特產(chǎn),中國國家地理標(biāo)志產(chǎn)品。香檳有一個共同點:合適的酸度,既保證了酒的新鮮感,又有很好的陳年潛力。氣泡是香檳的身份標(biāo)識,在年輕的酒里會持續(xù)不斷,隨著陳釀時間的長久,氣泡會減少,但變得更加細(xì)膩綿密。具有醇正清雅、優(yōu)美和諧的果香,并具有清新、愉快、爽怡的口感。



my school is 400 meters long ,200 meters wide,when you enter the gate ,you can see the garden,it is between the library and the lab,the teaching building is behind the garden.though my school is not very big ,it is beautiful and clean.
The area of my school has a length of 400 meters and a width of 200 meters. A garden can be viewed as soon as you come into the gate, which locates between the library and the laboratory, while the teaching building is set behind. Not so big thought, my school is very clean and beautiful.
the length of My school is 4 OO m, width is 2 O0 m, when coming into school,you can see garden, between the library and the laboratory, teaching building behind the garden , although my school is not big, but it is clean and beautiful
I study Principal the 4OO rice, extends the 2O0 rice, enters the school gate to be possible to see the garden, the garden between the library and the laboratory, classroom building behind garden, although my school is not big, but very pure beautiful 。


the ability to speak two languages colloquially
新牛津英漢雙解大詞典 puritan noun (puritan)a member of a group of english protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the reformation of the church under elizabeth i as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship 清教徒(英國16世紀(jì)末和17世紀(jì)的基督教新教徒中的一派,認(rèn)為伊麗莎白領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的宗教改革不徹底,尋求簡化并規(guī)范化拜神形式) ■a person with censorious moral beliefs, especially about pleasure and sex (尤指在快樂和性方面)嚴(yán)格遵循道德信仰的人 the puritans were protestants who, dissatisfied with the elements of catholicism retained by the elizabethan religious settlement, sought a further purification of the church from supposedly unscriptural forms. at first they tried to rid the church of ornaments, vestments, organs, etc.; from 1570 the more extreme attacked the institution of episcopacy itself, wishing to substitute government by church elders (presbyterianism). oppressed under james i and charles i, in particular by archbishop laud, many (such as the pilgrim fathers) emigrated to the netherlands and america. the civil war of the 1640s led to the temporary pre-eminence of puritanism. soon, however, the movement fragmented into sects, and the term puritan began to be less used; after the restoration such people tended to be called dissenters or nonconformists


Purple紫色 Fuchsia紫紅 Maroon茶色 Olive橄欖 Navy深藍(lán) Teal青色 Aqua淺綠 Lime亮綠 Silver銀色 Green綠色 Red紅色 Yellow黃色 Blue藍(lán)色 blueviolet藍(lán)紫色 Pink粉紅 Brown褐色 Orange橙色 powderblue粉藍(lán)色 Gray灰色 aquamarine海寶藍(lán)色 coral珊瑚色 chartreuse黃綠色 cadetblue軍官藍(lán) chocolate深褐色 cornflowerblue矢車菊色 crimson深紅色 cyan青綠色 darkgoldenrod深菊黃 gold金色 khaki卡其色 forestgreen森林綠 goldenrod菊花黃 lightcoral淺橘紅色 lightblue淺藍(lán)色 lightslategray淺石板灰 lightskyblue淺天空藍(lán) lightseagreen淺海綠色 lightsalmon淺澄紅色 lightpink淺粉紅色 lightgrey淺灰色 lightgreen淺綠色 palegreen淡綠色 palegoldenrod淡菊黃色 orchid紫色 orangered橘紅色 paleturquoise淡湖藍(lán)色 palevioletred淡紫色 wheat小麥色 mistyrose朦朧玫瑰色 magenta洋紅色 midnightblue深夜藍(lán) mediumseagreen中海綠色 mediumslateblue中石板藍(lán)色 mediumspringgreen中亮綠色 mediumturquoise中海湖藍(lán) mediumvioletred中紫色 salmon澄紅色 sandybrown黃棕色 seagreen海綠色 springgreen亮綠色 tan黃褐色 tomato蕃茄紅色 turquoise湖藍(lán)色 violet紫色 yellowgreen黃綠色 slateblue石板藍(lán) skyblue天空藍(lán) powderblue粉藍(lán)色 lightskyblue淺天空藍(lán) plum深紫色 peachpuff桃紅色 mediumpurple中紫紅色 mediumorchid中紫色 mediumblue中藍(lán)色 palegreen淡綠色 mediumaquamarine中海寶藍(lán)色 limegreen石灰綠 lawngreen草綠色 deepskyblue深天空藍(lán) deeppink深粉紅色 darkviolet深紫色 darkturquoise深湖藍(lán)色 darkslategray深石板灰 darkslateblue深石板藍(lán) darkseagreen深海綠色 darksalmon深澄紅色 darkred暗紅色 darkorchid深紫色 darkorange深菊色 darkmagenta深紫紅色 darkkhaki深卡其色 darkgreen墨綠色 darkgray深灰色 darkcyan深青綠 darkblue深藍(lán)色 dimgray暗灰色 dodgerblue玉米藍(lán) loralwhite花白色 greenyellow黃綠色 hotpink亮粉紅 indianred水藍(lán)色 indigo靛藍(lán)色 lavender淡紫色